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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the following answers to Frequently Asked Questions. It was designed to help you make an informed decision and determine if EMDR and Hypnotherapy Intensives are right for you.

What are EMDR and Hypnotherapy Intensives and can they work for me?

These modes of healing have helped thousands of people with a range of emotional and behavioral dysfunctions.


Both EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and Hypnotherapy allow for adaptive information processing which helps the brain transform negative limiting beliefs (which I believe are the sources of all conditions of despair) into positive adaptive beliefs.  


The original form of EMDR used eye movements to help the brain fall into a state similar to REM sleep, access disturbances, and then reprocess the beliefs associated with the disturbance in a more adaptable manner. Over the years, EMDR research has shown that it was actually the bilateral repetitive movements that evoked the possibility for brain reprocessing (not connected to eye movements). I use the most modern techniques of Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS) to activate brain reprocessing including rhythmic somatic tapping and a tapping device (TheraTapper™).


During the last phase of positive adaptation processing, I incorporate powerful hypnotic-therapeutic suggestions (new beliefs) into the subconscious mind, designed to support long-term, healthy mental change. The hypnotic state is similar to light sleep, you will be aware, but in a state of deep relaxation, where suggestibility is at its peak.


Where and when will we work together?

I provide EMDR & Hypnotherapy services to clients in 2 ways:

  1. Live Video Sessions

  2. In Person (In my San Diego, CA office)


Please Note: Under my California clinical license, EMDR services are only available to clients who are physically in California (this can be in-person or online). If you do not live in California, you may arrange to fly here and receive EMDR therapy services. Hypnotherapy Services are available to anyone, anywhere in the world! I will custom-tailor a program to meet your individual needs.


How often do we meet for sessions?

Intensive Treatment Programs are customized and individualized. Treatment episodes are designed in 3, 6, and 9 session episodes (but you can add more if you need to work through more issues). Intensives are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Evening and Weekend Appointments are available at a separate rate. Weekend intensives are half-day programs (4 hours, 2 days, with breaks ).


How much do Intensives cost?

Personalized EMDR and Hypnotherapy treatment (called intensives) are customized programs that include an individualized workbook, specific to your goals. Thus, fees are based on your needs and program design, and are communicated ahead of time in accordance with the No Surprises Act. My fee for weekday intensive therapy is $210/hour. My fee for weekend and evening intensive therapy is $310/hour.


I offer a free 15-minute consultation for regular weekly psychotherapy clients and intensive clients. You may also email me general questions and correspondence before our initial 45-minute intensive intake consultation (typically done via live video session). The rate for the intensive intake consultation session is $155.


Can I use my insurance to pay for intensives?

You can use insurance to pay for regular weekly psychotherapy sessions. However, these intensives are a Self-Pay service. I will provide a monthly invoice that you may be able to submit for reimbursement. However, it is best to determine the exact details of your policy ahead of time, as these services may not be covered, EVEN IF, I am in-network with your insurance provider. I will not submit claims for these services or provide a superbill.


Do you offer sliding scale rates?

I do not offer sliding scale rates for intensive programs. However, I offer a sliding scale rate for regular weekly psychotherapy clients through Open Path.


What is your experience and commitment to your clients?

I am EMDR trained through the EMDR International Association and trained in hypnotherapy through the Hypnosis Motivation Institute and Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). I have also engaged in additional training workshops facilitated by a range of complex trauma and clinical psychology experts.


I have been a behavioral counselor for over 13 years and practicing psychotherapy for 7 years. I have been committed to staying well-informed on healing modalities, research, and evidence-based treatments. I also consult often with other licensed psychotherapists. I am determined to support clients through the healing journey using straightforward, powerful, techniques.


Are we a good fit?

It is essential to your healing process that you feel comfortable working with me. I am here to support you. Schedule a free consultation and Let's Chat! There is no obligation. At any time during our work together, if you feel we are no longer a good therapeutic fit, I will support you in finding another therapist who may be better aligned.

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